Announcing My 12th Book

Phil Simon
2 min readApr 5, 2022


I have been pretty quiet on the podcasting and blogging fronts lately — and for good reason.

Yep, I’ve written another book.

Here’s some more information about my forthcoming opus.


For decades, organizations of all sizes and in all industries have struggled at managing projects. Even though employees primarily worked together in physical offices, rare was the project that came in on time and on budget and delivered what stakeholders expected.

The M-F/9–5 in-person world of work is gone forever. Depending on the country, more than nine in ten people would rather quit their jobs than return to the office five days per week. Brass tacks: Remote and hybrid workplaces are here to stay, and they pose formidable obstacles that complicate managing projects and launching new products.

Against this backdrop arrives Project Management for the Hybrid Workplace, my timely and highly anticipated follow-up to my award-winning book Reimagining Collaboration.

In the new book, I fuse critical research and concepts from a slew of diverse and seemingly unrelated fields, including Agile software development, human resources, supply chain management, organizational behavior, cognitive psychology, and labor economics. Brimming with detailed case studies, penetrating insights, and practical advice, my twelfth book is a tour de force. Product owners, new and seasoned PMs, service providers, freelancers, small business owners, and students taking PM classes will benefit from Project Management in the Hybrid Workplace.

For updates, subscribe to my newsletter.

Book Information

Publication Date: June 15, 2022.

Formats: Paperback, audiobook, and ebook.

Estimated page length: 288 pages.

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Phil Simon

Keynote speaker, advisor, and award-winning author of 13 📗, most recently Low-Code/No-Code: Citizen Developers & the Surprising Future of Business Applications